BHMS Syllabus 1st Year


Organon-Philosophy is a vital subject which builds up the conceptual base for the Physician. It illustrates those principles which when applied in practice enable the Physician to obtain results, which he can explain rationally and repeats them in practice with greater competence. Focus of the Education and Training should be to build up the conceptual base.

Homoeopathy should be introduced as a Complete Rational System of Medicine with its Holistic, Individualistic and Dynamistic approach to life, Health, Disease, Remedy and cure.

In order to achieve this, study of logic, psychology and the fundamentals of Homoeopathic Science become quite important.

It is imperative to have clear grasp over Inductive-Deductive Logic, and its application and comprehending the fundamentals of Homoeopathic Science. Homoeopathic approach for the patients is a Holistic approach. Science demands from the Homoeopathic Physician, to comprehend his patient as a PERSON, his dispositional state of Mind (and Body), alongwith the disease process with its causes. Since we lay great emphasis on knowing the mind, knowledge of the psychology becomes imperative for a Homoeopathic Physician. Thus introduction to Psychology will assist Homoeopathic student to build up his conceptual base in his direction.

I. Fundamental of Homoeopathic Science.

Preliminary lectures on the evolution of medicinal practice by the ancients giving stress to rationalistic and vitalistics thoughts.

  1. Short history of Hahnemann’s life and contributions.
  2. Brief life and contributions of early pioneers after Hahnemann.
  3. Brief study of the early history of spread of homoeopathy & position of Homoeopathy in various countries.
  4. Hahnemann’s Organon of Medicine from aphorism 1 to 70.
  5. Fundamental Principles of Homoeopathy.
  6. Health: Hahnemann’s and modern concept.
  7. Introductory lectures on diseases, their classification, drug diseases, case taking and drug proving.

II. Logic.

The term ‘Logic’ means ‘though’ ‘reason’ ‘Law’ and is used to denote the totality of rules to which the process of thought is subjected, a process that reflects the reality. It is also used to denote the science of the rules of reasoning and the forms in which it occurs. As discussed earlier, to comprehend ORGANON-PHILOSOPHY, it is essential to acquaint with understanding of LOGIC in order to grasp inductive-deductive reasoning

III. Introduction to Psychology..

  1. Definition of Psychology as a Science and its differences from other Sciences. Concept of Mind Contemporary schools of psychology with special reference to Behaviouristic and psychoanalytic approaches.
  2. Scientific study of behaviour, intelligence, cause effect relation behaviouristic (Pavlov, Watson, Skinner) and dynamics of behaviour (Freud and Neo Freudians).
  3. Basic concepts of sensation, perception, illusion, Hallucination, Delusion, Image, Intelligence, aptitude, attention, thinking and memory.
  4. Emotion, motivation, personality, anxiety, conflict, frustration, psychomatic manifestations and dreams.
  5. Developmental psychology normal developments since birth to maturity (both physical and psychological) and deviations its effects on later behaviour.

*The attempt should be made to make a student receptive to various terms in teachings of Materia Medica and Homoeopathic Philosophy.

Organon of Medicine Syllabus:
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2 thoughts on “BHMS Syllabus 1st Year”

  1. Good syllabus. It will be great supplement if coloring book on human anatomy is added. While coloring, it gets conceptually cleared the function of the organs.


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Organon of medicine