Here are some key concepts outlined in the Organon of Medicine:
- The law of similars: This is the principle that a substance that causes certain symptoms in a healthy person can be used to treat those same symptoms in a sick person.
- The minimum dose: Hahnemann believed that the smallest possible dose of a remedy should be used in order to minimize the risk of side effects and to allow the body to heal itself.
- The single remedy: Hahnemann believed that only one remedy should be used at a time in order to avoid any potential interactions or conflicts between remedies.
- The drug proving: This is the process of testing a substance to determine its potential therapeutic effects and to establish its place in the homeopathic pharmacopeia.
- The vital force: Hahnemann believed that there is a vital force within the body that is responsible for maintaining health and that disease occurs when this force is disrupted. Homeopathic treatment is believed to help restore balance to the vital force.
- The concept of miasms: Hahnemann believed that certain diseases, such as syphilis and psora (itch), could leave a lasting impression on the body and lead to a predisposition to certain diseases. He believed that homeopathic treatment could help to remove these miasms and restore health.